Plenary Speakers

Konstantin Avrachenkov
- Title: TBA
- Abstract: TBA
- Bio: Konstantin Avrachenkov received his Master degree in Control Theory from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (1996), Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from University of South Australia (2000) and Habilitation from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (2010). Currently, he is a Director of Research at Inria Sophia Antipolis, France. He is an associate editor of Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Stochastic Models, ACM TOMPECS, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, and on advisory boards of ACM POMACS and International Journal of Performance Evaluation. Konstantin has co-authored two books “Analytic Perturbation Theory and its Applications”, SIAM, 2013 and “Statistical Analysis of Networks”, Now Publishers, 2022, and more than 200 articles. He has won 5 best paper awards. His main theoretical research interests are Markov chains, Markov decision processes, random graphs and singular perturbations. He applies these methodological tools to the modelling and control of networks, and to design data mining and machine learning algorithms.
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Marián Boguñá
Universitat de Barcelona
- Title: TBA
- Abstract: TBA
- Bio: M. Boguñá is a full professor at the Departament de Condensed Matter Physics, University of Barcelona. He graduated in Physics in 1994 and obtained his PhD in 1998. In 1999, he moved to the US to do a postdoctoral stay with Prof. G. H. Weiss at the National Institutes of Health, Washington DC. After this period, in 2003, he was awarded a Ramón y Cajal fellowship. He got the tenure position in 2008. During this period, he has also spent several months in the US as invited guest scientist at Indiana University. M. Boguñá has written over 90 publications in major peer reviewed international scientific journals: Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Physics, PNAS, Phys. Rev. Letters, and Phys. Rev. X. In January 2008, he obtained the Outstanding Referee award of the American Physical Society. He was awarded as ICREA Academia researcher in 2010, 2015, and 2020. Since January 2013, he serves as an editorial board member for Scientific Reports. His research interests are focused on the study of complex systems. In particular, those systems made up of a large number of units that interact through complex topologies and, therefore, are suitable to be studied using statistical physics tools. Such systems are ubiquitous and can be found in very diverse fields: societies at the large scale, cellular networks, or communication networks like the Internet, to name just a few. One of the major challenges in this field is the understanding of the coupling between the complex topologies shown by these type of systems and the functions they perform. M. Boguñá is one of the major proponents of the new field of Network Geometry, a theory aiming at finding the geometric origin of the discrete structures underlying complex systems.
- Web page:

Gesine Reinert
University of Oxford
- Title: TBA
- Abstract: TBA
- Bio: Gesine Reinert is a Research Professor at the Department of Statistics, Oxford, and Fellow at Keble College, Oxford. Her main applied research interests are in network statistics, including the development of machine learning methods for the analysis of network data, as well as theoretical underpinnings. Her theoretical research mostly concentrates on Stein's method to derive bounds on distances between the distributions of random quantities. Gesine Reinert currently chairs the Committee on Statistical Network Science of the Bernoulli Society. She is the currently editor-in-chief of the SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics. She is a Fellow of the IMS. Currently she is also a fellow of the Alan Turing Institute.
- Web page: